Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Blog 10

Hallie, Courtney I all collaborated for week 10.

Courtney and I teach 3rd grade and Hallie works with special needs students. We are all in the same district and have been through many trainings together. We are very familiar with each other’s students as well as the environment that we teach in.

We stared this assignment focusing on writing. After running into several issues with student expectations we decided to look at our math goals. That is where we found our starting point. The goal we started with is as follows;

Represent and interpret data.
2.MD.9. Collect, record, interpret, represent,
and describe data in a table, graph or line plot.
2.MD.10. Draw a picture graph and a bar
graph (with single-unit scale) to represent a
data set with up to four categories. Solve
simple put-together, take-apart and compare
problems using information presented in a bar graph

We looked at this and compared it to the third grade standard to try and teach students to the level they are at, as well as where they are suppose to be. That brought us to this standard for third grade:

3.MD.4. Draw a scaled picture graph and a
scaled bar graph to represent a data set with
several categories. Solve one- and two-step
“how many more” and “how many less”
problems using information presented in
scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar
graph in which each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets.

For our project, we plan to have students collect data on a given topic. They will record the data they collected on a table. They will then analyze the data and create a graph (line, bar, picture, etc.) to display the data. After the students complete their graphs, they will answer “how many more” or “how many less” questions to compare their data. They will then work in groups to discuss the data, graphs, and questions they answered. 

Below is the rubric we created:
Level Collecting Data Graphs Word Problems Communication
Outstanding Student collected individual data on a topic of interest in order to create a graph. Student was able to correctly create a graph (i.e. bar, line or picture) using individual data collected on a topic of their choice, with all the necessary requirements including (correct scaling, title, labeled axis, etc. Student was able to create and solve simple put-together, take-apart or compare word problems using information from a graph. Student displayed maximum participation in small group and/or whole class discussions (i.e discussed the data and graph, answered questions, shared opinions, asked questions, helped others clarify confusion, instructed and helped other students on their assignments, etc.)
Satisfactory Student fully participated in the class data collecting process by participating in the class discussion and by creating a table with tallies to present data. Student was able to correctly create graphs (i.e. bar, line or picture) using the data collected as a class with all  necessary requirements including (correct scaling, title, labeled axis, etc.) Student was able to correctly answer simple put-together, take-apart or compare word problems that were associated with the completed graph. Student displayed good participation in small group and/or whole class discussions (i.e discussed the data and graph, answered questions, shared opinions, etc.)
Needs Improvement Student had limited participation in the data collecting process. Student was able to correctly create a graph or graphs (i.e. bar, line or picture) using the data collected as a class, however some requirements were missing. Student struggled to correctly answer simple put-together, take-apart or compare word problems using information from the completed graph. Student displayed minimal   participation in small group and/or whole class discussions

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